Mikel Coffee Company has been recognized for its innovative sustainability practices adopted in the operation model of its stores, the number of which is constantly increasing with the goal of covering the entire network in the coming years. With corporate social responsibility as the main focus of its strategy, Mikel Coffee Company implements a comprehensive waste management system, promoting recycling and the reuse of materials.
Through these practices, it reduces its environmental footprint while respecting society and people.
Mikel’s commitment to a more sustainable world is demonstrated by its continuous efforts to manage natural resources, making it a model company in adopting green practices in the coffee and hospitality sectors.
Respect for the environment means respect for life.
At Mikel Coffee, every innovation of ours represents this principle.
We have drastically reduced our environmental footprint by utilizing paper cup packaging. We continue to reduce our use of plastic by using our award-winning eco-friendly Mikel paper lid, which is a pan-European innovation.
The world moves forward when enough people change small, daily habits. Thus, our thousands of consumers enjoy their coffee in the new packaging and together we contribute to the protection of the environment, relieving the planet of 100 tons of plastic each year.
Respecting the diversity of people contributes to the development and creativity, not only of a business, but also of society as a whole.
The right of diversity is imperative, non-negotiable and part of the fundamental values that Mikel Coffee carries since its inception.
Having achieved a work environment without inequalities, Mikel Coffee became the first business from the food and beverage industry to sign the Diversity Charter.
Each Mikel store becomes a living and integral part of the neighborhood it is in.
Tactical and strategic actions, which contribute in maintaining social cohesion, spiritual cultivation, and environmental awareness, encourage the people with whom we coexist, to embrace a mutual goal for a better tomorrow.
Some of these activities include supporting local blood banks, weekly charity donations, sponsoring sports clubs, arts and other local activities.
At the same time, through the continuous development of our network of stores, we actively contribute to the reduction of unemployment in the local economy.